From the very beginning, we have built our sensors to be rugged enough to withstand the harsh environments of a myriad of manufacturing industries. From asphalt shingles to lumber to frac sand, our sensors can handle the harshness required to achieve quality product. A core component to creating the rugged, yet technologically advanced sensors we’re known for is the concept of “modular design.”
For us, modular design is about separating the most sensitive electronics and placing them in a more secure location so they aren’t exposed to temperature, humidity, dust, and other ambient conditions that can degrade and/or damage a component prematurely. To keep those precious, critical electronic components safe, we typically build a separate “controller” that is located away from the production floor, but speaks to the sensor that lives in the harsh environments, sharing the data procured instantly for quick and accurate analysis.
Our unique and proprietary modular design is important because electronics are incredibly sensitive to the elements of many manufacturing operations that are necessary to create a high quality product. By moving the most sensitive electronics away from the toughest environments without sacrificing speed or accuracy of data collection, the overall system is more reliable and, in most cases, more convenient to manage, too.