Temperature can be an early warning sign of problems that exist at a particular stage in the process, or in the stages just prior to the red flag temperature. It can also be used as an input to various measurement techniques to improve accuracy and repeatability. We offer a proven, rugged, and rapid IR sensor as an option for such systems. By integrating the IR sensor into our systems, you receive a combined data stream that gives you the information necessary to control and adjust your processes quickly when needed.
Whatever your temperature measurement needs, we can help you create the right, integrated solution to optimize your efficiency and increase your profits.
In the case of NIR measurement, temperature doesn’t have a large influence on the readings, but rather temperature, in conjunction with NIR, is used to monitor the process. However, in RF (radio frequency) measurements, temperature is a variable in moisture content calculation. For those calculations to be accurate, the temperature is assumed to be constant. Even small +/- 1 degree fluctuations in temperature can cause the moisture content calculations to be off by +/- 5 percent. While that may seem small, that percentage is often the difference between a good and a rejected final product. That small fluctuation can lead to process problems further down in the production line as well.
In other words, controlling temperature and knowing immediately when something is awry is incredibly important to overall product uniformity and quality.
There are numerous benefits to monitoring material temperature from a process control standpoint. Additionally, from a measurement accuracy standpoint, the benefit is clear:
Utilizing a system that incorporates the (by most industrial requirements) optional temperature sensor can play a major factor in whether or not your processes are truly accurate and controlled to the fullest extent they can and should be for maximum throughput and profit. That’s why we’ve incorporated a temperature sensor into all of our systems. That way, no matter what the demand or supply changes are that might be impacting your process’ overall temperature, our systems can account for hotter lumber and correct calculations to provide the true moisture content data where standard QC measurement tools would report inaccurately.